Issue 65 - From the Editor
Photo by Maria Oswalt on Unsplash
By Jonathan Ho
Dear readers,
Whenever a disaster strikes, there is a need for healing and rethinking. COVID-19 has left its mark on the world and the Church.
As our team waited on God, we felt him leading us to address this specific question: What are we to do as we look forward?
Our three articles seek to address this question in different ways:
1. “Times Are Changing” - For some, there isn’t a “light” at the end of the tunnel. The first article is an encouragement and reminder to look to God in the midst of suffering and difficulty. Jennifer writes of her experience and reminds us that for many, COVID-19 is not an escapable event, and that sometimes the end isn’t in sight.
2. “When the Body of Christ Is Allergic to Itself: Interviews Looking Back at 2020” - In a time of political and social tension, is our (the Church’s) discernment properly tuned or could we be addressing the wrong things? Our second article touches on the importance of proper discernment. I interviewed three people on what event(s), if any, have stood out in their minds from January 2020 until now to see how God is speaking through different members of the Church. Our hope is that this article continues the lifelong process of sanctifying how we humbly and discerningly walk with God and one another.
3. “Like, Share, Do Nothing: The Sad State of Christians and Politics” - Could our political allegiances be a problem rather than a solution? What has religious politicking done for the Kingdom of God? What can we do to be more effective members of the Kingdom of God? Matt challenges us to see what flag we’re marching under and where we put our efforts.
COVID-19 and the past year and a half have revealed a lot in the Church. How will we go forward and how is God leading us? Please join us as you process these articles to look to Christ Jesus and his will in the times to come. My prayer is that these articles would push us to our knees in effective prayer and to faith working through love. May we seek to abide in Jesus and have his word abide in us, that we may bear much fruit to the Father’s glory.
In Christ,
-Jonathan Ho
P.S. As usual, please share your thoughts with us. Email us at We’d love to hear from you. Or visit us at and sign up for one of our workshops. We’d love to connect further with you as we journey with Christ each day.