WHAT we do

Article Opportunities, Workshops (in-person & remote), and Tools & Resources for Kingdom Living
Project Arctos exists for those seeking a more vibrant and Kingdom-minded spirituality. Our focus is to build up the body of Christ by:
Facilitating tools, workshops, and spaces in-person and online for hearing and partnering with God daily. Including articles written by everyday Christians:
Promoting independent Christian reading from a variety of lay believers. (maybe that’s you!)
Presenting opportunities to practice and develop creative skills and thinking, both online and in-person.
Hosting spaces and discussions for connecting constructively as a broader Christian community.
Practicing practical Kingdom skills, both individually and as a community. (Check out our Skill Tree devotional model)
Creating opportunities to step up and step out of spiritual hibernation, letting your gifts add flavor to the world around you.
Tradition vs. Innovation: If you’ve been part of religious groups, you’ll often find a pattern of tradition. Tradition is not bad, but we believe tradition combined with human nature can often form an us vs. them mentality of old vs. new, in vs. out. We believe the problem is not that old ways are bad in themselves, but when the old inhibits rather than guides the new. Unfortunately, these differences often form splits and battles rather than constructive conversations and mutual encouragement.
This means:
Listening first: We invite the traditional to join and listen first.
Try the new: We invite the new to try, reflect, and try again. We welcome the unexpected.
Institutional vs. Relational: Project Arctos exists to find people, build relationships, and empower others. We believe in structure grown from relationships, not institutional roles. Project Arctos does not exist to build institutions but to build relationships. We know relationships are messy as we all have weaknesses, but we believe relationships are worth struggling to build, so that we may all grow to be more vibrant Kingdom citizens.
This means:
Our agenda is your growth: We structure our activities and content on the hearts of members and not our own preset plans.
Listening over telling: we expect listening to dominate our end of conversations - listening to God and listening to others. We expect God to lead in all we do.
Comfort vs. Discomfort: We all enjoy being comfortable, but seeking comfort can often lead to indifference, indecisiveness, and an general spiritual slumber we liken to torpor (a type of hibernation). We need others in our lives who will hold us to a higher call, who will remind us who we are, and who will challenge us to be our fullest spiritual selves. Studies show that people do poorly at sacrificing the short term for the long term. Studies also show we don’t like feeling inadequate or being wrong.
As such:
Invited Accountability: We help facilitate small groups to explore and challenge each others ideas and passions, and to provide regular reminders to dig deeper and keep moving when passions go from blazing fires to glowing embers (or slumbering bears).
Action & Reflection: We seek to live out what Jesus calls us to and to reflect and ask for feedback. Taking action on the words of Jesus and reflecting in community helps us to push beyond feeling good to living what is good.