Here you can find articles written by everyday Christians, drawing on the rich depths of Scripture to explore various issues in ministry and life. These pieces come from a variety of backgrounds and perspectives, each aimed at increasing personal growth, dialog, and vital cross-pollinating as we seek building a better Kingdom together.
“I am dark, but lovely.” These words resonate with me. In spite of the injustice; in spite of the sideways looks and comments; in spite of the enhanced self-consciousness that comes with being a person of color in the society we live in: “I am dark, but lovely, and the King greatly desires my beauty.”
What might embracing a fuller view of Hebrews 10:25 look like in your life?
I could have been an awesome Pharisee. At least, I could if I were a first-century male Jew.
In all of this, know that intention is the key to growth and change in our lives. If we say we want to be healthy and honor God with our lives, but we choose not to care for ourselves, we can be sure our priorities are elsewhere.
From the most intimate relationships to different continents, from preschool classrooms to Supreme Courtrooms, from inside to out, from top to bottom—we observe, witness, and experience conflicts. And maybe most obviously, we create conflicts.