KRC Spring Retreat 2024 Registration

KRC Spring Retreat 2024 Registration

from $35.00
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Join us this April 11-14th

Ambassador’s for Christ Retreat Center in Lancaster, PA

Kingdom Resources for Christ welcomes all to join in fellowship and learning as we welcome long-serving missionaries, Jim and Janet Stahl and our resident English workshop facilitator, Brandon Morgan, to share vital teachings for a more vibrant Christian faith:

StoryThreads: Connecting Lives Through Bible Stories

Everyone likes to hear a good story, and the Bible is full of good stories. When people hear a Bible story told by someone it makes them think of experiences and stories in their own life, there is a connection made with the Bible story.

This connection makes people feel like they have entered into the story, and they look in, and say, ‘there, that’s me.’ When we do Bible storytelling in a group, not only do people connect with the Bible stories, but they connect with one another when space is given to hear and tell their own stories. This is our experience with telling Bible stories. 

Afterwards, people feel motivated to share these stories and their connections to them with friends and family. This is where we hear how the Bible storytelling produces fruit in people’s lives.

Come and participate in this ancient tradition and explore God’s word in a different way, as Jim and Janet lead us in what they’ve learned from their many years serving in international ministry.

From Understanding to Compassion: Tools for Better Communication

Professional facilitator and Project Arctos workshops lead, Brandon Morgan, will lead participants in developing skills for engaging each other in more compassionate conversations.

Do you sometimes struggle to connect with your parents or children? Do you and your partner sometimes talk past or around each other, rather than truly hear one another?

Regardless of relationship, some communication patterns can often leave us feeling unheard or misunderstood, resulting in less open and honest communication most times.

This workshop delivers the concept of asking good questions for the purpose of better supporting others and provides hands-on practice for the important conversations in your own life. Joins us for hands-on sessions at this year’s retreat!

Registration is only $100 and includes most meals (Amish smorgasbord buffet lunch is $20 extra and optional). There are several good hotels in immediate area. There is limited on-site housing accommodations at the Retreat center, available on a first-come basis. (Lots of good local hotel options also available separately.) Available rooms are either SINGLE (a private double queen room to yourself and spouse - $370 total) or DOUBLE (a shared double queen room with a friend or other retreat guest - $235 for one registrant or $335 for two registrants).

If you’re local and do not need an overnight room, it is $100 for meals and registration to attend all days, or $50 for meals and all sessions on any one day. That means you can attend the Communication Workshop in full on Saturday, if desired.

Please contact us for further details or any questions:

To register, select your preferred option

and click check-out near the top right of the page.

A Future for Evangelicalism? Rev. Dr. Clement Wen - Digital Access

A Future for Evangelicalism? Rev. Dr. Clement Wen - Digital Access

Sale Price:$30.00 Original Price:$40.00